Tom hello again ,I am here after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that everything is ready and I have to leave moscow on Saturday but I have a little problem and I really hope you will be able to help me. You see I never expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else to do. You know my mum promised to send me money for tickets by western union as soon as I will find out prices but she was told on her work that because of economic crisis she will receive all the money she saved from every months salary only in a few months. So that is why she can`t send me all the sum for tickets now and she was able to send only 200$ I have got it today.I can`t delay my flight because all my documents are arranged on exact dates..
Tom I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but I was told in travel agency I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets or ordering electronic ones because I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency only. Your see its business of travel agency to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law.If I will but ticket by myself, I won`t be able to use my work visa. so you can`t send me tickets. I`m sure my mom will help me but she needs more time and I can`t wait so long because I need to buy tickets till my flight date. I was in the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have it! I know I`m asking you for very big but maybe it will be possible for you to help me. You are my last hope and I have nothing else to do. If I will not buy tickets my visa will be canceled and it will be forbidden for me to apply for visa again for next 8 months. I have only about 150 dollars that I expected to take with me for the first time and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help me with 950$ I will have enough to buy tickets and have some extra money for travel needs. I know its a big sum of money ,but please try to help me and I promise I will return you money back after my first salary or as soon as my mom will send it , as she promised. I will cross my fingers hoping for your help because I want to meet you so much!!!!! I will be waiting for your answer!!!
I will be here in late evening and please don't worry if I can't answer immideatelly I have too much to do. Tom make a transfer by western union, I have got transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it was so easy to get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent address here is 21/56 Azina street, Moscow, Russia.128544 Remember my full name is Anastasiya- (first name). Ranneva -(last name, its the right writing in transliteration from russian, I was told it by manager in travel agency). and you should put it on western union list and you can choose any bank in moscow,so I can pick up the money at any bank of moscow. and nearest bank with western union office here is - name of the bank - SOFRINO,streetOZERKOVSKAYA NABEREZHNAYA, 12; city-Moscow, postal code -113184; phone number --- +7-495-9537712 it will be safe to use western union transfer because I need to have passport to receive it!And please after you complete transfer write me the number of the transfer, P.S. I`m so sorry I asked you for such help, but you see you are my last hope and now my only wish is to meet you. I want to start a new life and I`m sure we can spend so many happy days and probably nights together!
Please try to help me with the sum and in one month I will return you money back!!
P.S.Tom dear I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you know if you don't like me when I come I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me or not. I know you may be too busy or just meet different woman but in any case I will return the money back. I will have a room for rent if I want, a job and I want to say please don't worry I don't want to use you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no regrets about it, Tom I promise. I dream about our first meeting, our first night .............I think everything depends on you! please, honey, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to give up.and as always forger about important thing,please tell me your full name I mean right writing because when I was getting mom's transfer they asked about full name of the sender,not only my name!it is the law!
Hey Anastasia!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and how her work is refusing to pay for her and how this all left you in a jam. I'm a software engineer (make lot of money) so sending you what you need is no problem at all...especially considering how much I want for you to come live with me. I made the transfer through western union to the bank you told me to (Sofrino bank i think it is called). the transfer number is 0255472289.
I hope this works! Let me know if you run into any more problems!
See you soon!
Jimmy (really, call me Jimmy, only my grandmother calls me tom).
[[fyi - that is a completely made up transfer number. It has the right number of digits, bit I totally made it up]]
Thank you sooooooooo much you are helping me!!!! You made me very excited and I am very thankful to you!!!
Jimmy I was in western union office but manager told me it was no transfer from you so pls send me a copy of receipt ok?? I can't wait to meet you! My heart beats so fast now! Today I will go to see some more sightseeings, I'm having very good time here but I'm sure when I come to you we will have simply great time together!!!! I can't wait to get to know you better!!! Do you like massage? I can make very good massage!!!! I will make it for you if you want, let me know!!!! You are the best man I've ever met (or almost met) and there are no such great man in Russia. You are so far away and so close to me...You are in another country and right in my heart.... Oh... I became a little sad because you are not with me now... I will try to smile for you!!! I know soon the day of our meeting will come and I will be able to hug you!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it great? I think so! I have a good feeling we will like each other. I think it's just a voice of women's intuition inside me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please trust my voice!!!!!
I'm sending you a kiss by the wind and I hope you will receive it!
[[At this point, I sort of planned on strining her/him along for a while, sending fake transfer numbers to banks further and further outside of Moscow. I started getting a bit worried about my future as it might cease to exist if I ever did decide to travel to Russia and happen upon the wrong street. With this in mind, I came up with the perfect ending.]]
Hi Anastasiya,
This is Emily. I am Jimmy's wife, and I check his e-mail. I don't know who the fuck you are, but my husband was about to send you $950! I saw the receipt from Western Union in the car and I canceled the transfer, so no there is no fucking money for you today. And no, you are not stealing my man from me!
Stay the FUCK away from my husband!
Hello ! Honey, I`m so sorry I asked you to help me with tickets. I really didn`t expect I will ask you for such help. I thought my mum will send me money to moscow so I would have enough. But the last minute she told she is enable to help, she has problems on her work. you see I can`t delay my flight because all my documents are arranged on exact dates and if my flight will be canceled I won`t be able to apply for visa for next 4 years.. Oh I just can`t stop crying.. Pls help me and I promise I will return you money back in 1 or 2 month, my mum will send it to us! And also I will start to work as soon as I will arrive. I never lied to you and always told you truth. I promise I will never hurt you. If you will help me, I will fly to you on Saturday and we will spend really great time together!!!
I can`t change it on another day, so I have a little time to buy tickets. I'm not going to solicit the money from you... I thought it will be possible for me to come to you and be yours... You have captivated my poor heart and I just don't know how you've done it. I'm still desperately want to see you!
Honey if it was possible to send me tickets I would have asked you to do that. I checked all ways and that's not possible. you see if I won`t buy ticket my flight will be canceled and I won`t be able to apply for visa for next 4 years.. I'm so sad now, so sad that I don't want to live. I want to fall asleep and don't get up one more month! Please don't think Oh, why I met that Russian girl in Internet, she promised a lot and never done it. I really wanted to come to you but you know I've never travelled so far away and I was not smart enough to set up all things for my trip. I still feel I need you in my life so much. I pray it will be possible for you to help me somehow. No one here can help me, I feel myself so alone.. I asked all my friends and realtived but no one can give me money even for a few days. My mum will send me more money just in 1 month and I need to buy tickets till Saturday or my flight will be canceled.. I so hope it will be possible for you to help me somehow. Pls make a transfer on my name and I promise I will fly to you on Saturday and finally kiss you!! I`m waiting for your answer!
Your girlfriend
It's me again, Emily, Jimmy's wife. I'm not entirely sure what the fuck you didn't understand in my last email, but i'm going to ask you one last time to stay the fuck away from my husband. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?! i don't care whether or not you come to america. if you do, great, congratulations, but you sure as fuck aren't staying with my husband. you're not giving him massages, you certainly aren't his girlfriend. We have a three year old son for christ's sake. he's not leaving me. Find another way into the country!
[[Moral of the story: If you see fire, go ahead and play with it a bit, but make sure you don't get your hair too close because you'll just end up with a stinky mess. Thanks for reading.]]