Sunday, 15 November 2009

Thanksgiving is in the Air. . . Or Maybe the Dog Just Has Gas

So, I'm not exactly sure why I'm so worried this year, but I am taking a proactive approach to Thanksgiving. I'm actually practicing recipes. Thing is, I never really keep track of what I do each time I make something, so the whole practice element is sort of lost in the process. I end up just eating Thanksgiving sides for several weeks leading up to the big day.

Well I made jalapeno cheddar cornbread cupcakes with avocado garlic frosting. I tried this last year for my birthday and they were miserable. This time, though, they're frickin' adorable and tasty as a June snow cone.

Next up, Spanakopita.

Also, if you really want to get into the autumn spirit, check out this McSweeney post.