For the past 2 or 3 months, my inner self has been rife with hope and self doubt. This struggle of self awareness has arisen due to the new HBO series True Blood which is probably the best thing in my life while containing within it severely banal dialogue and forced nudity. Sure the show's negative aspects are what made shows like 90210 as well as any movie Alyssa Milano has ever been in appealing to myself and other closet Beverly Hills supporters, but I've come to expect more from HBO. After creating such amazing series as Sopranos and the first season (only the first season) of Entourage, the importance of fresh and creative dialogue along with meaningful plot development have become a must.
I started watching the show because Terry Gross hyped it on Fresh Air, and what Terry says is most often the truth. After the first couple episodes I was intrigued. Then came the lull in my relationship with True Blood. The same things kept on happening. The brother would F some woman he found somewhere who would later be killed by what appeared to be a vampire. Sookie's best friend would yell at someone about absolutely nothing. Lafayette would sell some drugs or dance in front of a camera. And finally Sookie would have some melodramatic melt down because she can read minds and is completely sexually frustrated.
I was bored with it, honestly I was about to throw in the the blood soaked towel until, at the very last possible moment, my girl, Lizzy Caplan, stepped in to save the day. You may call this childish, but yes, Lizzy, you had me at hello. Hell, I used to watch that absolute crap show you used to be in, The Class, not just because it was on between How I Met Your Mother and 24, but because of your theatrical genius.
Now that you've been in a couple episodes in a row, I'm back on the True Blood train. It seems very likely that you're about to get killed, though, in the show as you've become addicted to vampire blood and have taken some pretty dramatic steps to ensure your supply of it. If you die, I'll lose a bit of interest, but I'll keep on watching for a bit, because in all likelihood, you'll be transformed into a vampire and thus will remain on the show's cast.
Good luck Lizzy, and thanks for now forcing me to continue watching one of the genuinely worst guilty pleasures left in my overly pragmatic lifestyle.
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