Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Real Time Blogs SUCK!

Have you ever wanted to experience an event shortly after said event has happened? Are you fed up with the detail and precision that video clips provide? Are you too lazy to attend the event itself? Are you too rushed for a thoughtful account of the event later in the day, maybe on the evening news, in the morning paper, or as told by a friend or colleague of yours that was at the event?

If you fall into one of these categories, then, well, you are a lazy person that doesn't really deserve to know what happened at the event you were too busy to attend. Luckily, though, there exist a large number of people willing to crudely hash out their interpretation of events at lightning quick speeds in the form of real time blogs.

Here's a live blog done by someone somewhat affiliated with the New York Times: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/20/live-blog-the-inauguration-of-barack-obama/

Now you can know everything the blogger's colleagues said before during and after the inauguration today. Who needs friends when you can listen to terribly told stories and anecdotes from complete strangers?!

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