Wednesday 10 June 2009

Je veux du jus aux raisins

I would also like to learn French, like really really badly.

My goal, I think, for the summer is to figure out the words to this song. I'm nearly certain I will be unable to experience an emotional status below 5 (on a 10 point scale where 10 is equal to the elation experienced when eating a bread pudding made with unicorn milk and dragon eggs while staring at a newly cleaned kitchen and a 1 is akin to the misery of barefooting a dog turd after watching My Girl) thanks solely to the torrential cheerfulness of this tune. Be prepared to have your internal noise machine play on repeat for days and days and days, or should I say, jours et jours et jours et jours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Maybe one needs to have a special fondness of stripes and Jack-O-Lanterns to really appreciate this song and video.