Wednesday 29 July 2009

I'm So Sorry

It's been several weeks, I know, I know. There is quite a delightful amount of news to catch up on, yet now is not a good time to do so. By next Friday, I promise you will be completely up to date on all of the things that have happened to me and by me in the month of July. They include: a missing tooth (not mine), a missing car window and ipod (both mine...well not anymore I guess, but they used to be), an office joke that is so far above my head I'm having trouble keeping troublesome fact from absurd fiction, a heat wave, a fiscally negligent date, a pumpkin plant, the continued diminishing of my dignity, a handful of trysts (although the women involved have been highly unaware of said one-sided mental relationship), an obese marathon training Mormon waiting for her boyfriend to come back from his preposterous mission in South America, cookies, scones, breakfast bars, upside down cakes, and a hilarious comment regarding a blueberry that was completely lost in translation.

To keep your attention while I pour my soul into words, I'll leave you with a tremendous video:

You hear that? T.O. thinks that the tiny 4 game suspension tagged onto Michael Vick's return is excessive. In fact, it's like "kicking a dead horse into the ground" he says. AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I doubt he appreciated the hilarity of his poignant comment

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