Tuesday 10 March 2009

Triple M* Goes Global!

We here at My Massive Minutia are ecstatic to greet our new international friend. Thanks to the terrifying specificity of google's website tracking program I have now been informed that my miserable blog has ventured offshore to the Middle Eastern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This new fan from Riyadh somehow spent absolutely NO time on the website.

I know 2 people that may be in Saudi Arabia right now. If you're one of them, shame on you for closing my blog quicker than a pop-up ad for an unsavory product, but hey, send me a fb message, I'd like to catch up. If you are not one of them, thank you for expanding the geographic grasp of Triple M and I promise you that I will make absolutely no additional effort to focus on issues you may rather read about than the numbing material I have chosen to take a liking to.

*No one ever, under any circumstances, has spoken about the existence of this blog in public. If, for a moment, we pretend that a bunch of people DO actually visit this site, which is totally untrue, they may rather use a nickname for the site. Maybe something like Triple M. I'd say 3M, but that's already a massive publicly traded company, and I don't want to add to stock market volatility due to mass confusion of identity.

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